Pink Bolly with ice cream

Bolly - Panfu

Panfu was a close "rival" to the much more known Club Penguin. Except instead of penguins you had pandas.
An MMO written in Flash like many others, its community was much stronger in Europe, especially Germany and Poland. The game has went through several map changes and lore. It also had a level system, where the longer you spent time in game, the more EXP you got.

It launched initially in 2007 in Germany, and then step-by-step new servers would open. Despite its popularity, it started to die in 2013 with the closure of chat features across servers.

Panfu has closed it doors in 2016 with the expire of its domain.

The official Panfu is no more, but there is a fan revival at

Screencap of Panfu's Ice Cream Parlor location Screencap of Panfu's welcome screen (circa 2008-09)

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