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Geocities is something probably most of people remember, especially if they are more than 20.
It was a web hosting service launched in 1994 that allowed users to, well, host their websites for free.

The gimmick of GeoCities was that it had something called "cities", which were basically thematic categories that sorted all sites hosted on GC.
GeoCities has spawned whole generations of webmasters, designers, coders and other flavors of webweavers that are likely to work now in the industry; and its impact on the early internet culture cannot be properly described.
It was bought out by Yahoo in 1999, and like with most things bought out by corporate giants, it only spelled end for GeoCities. But not that soon.

GeoCities continued to grow.

Until 2009, where the US version of GeoCities has closed its doors.
The Japanese rendition of GeoCities continued to exist for 10 more years, finally marking the end of a very important era in the internet history in 2019.

With the downfall of hobbyist webhosting in place of social networking sites, it was plain clear that GeoCities had to die.
However, Neocities is a spiritual indie successor to GeoCities that hosts many websites.

Screencap of GeoCities' main page, circa 1997 Screencap of an average GeoCities website

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