Blue Puffle

Puffle - Club Penguin

Club Penguin... for many of you it was probably a beloved MMO game starring penguins.
It was mostly popular in North America and some western parts of Europe, where usually Panfu was reigning. It has gathered a cult following ever since its initial launch in 2005.
In the meantime, the company responsible for Club Penguin was bought out by Disney, and while it has brought many crossovers between the game and Disney's franchises, it eventually was doomed to close down.

Thus, in 2017, Club Penguin has officially shut down.

Club Penguin in its official iteration is long gone, but numerous attempts have been made at the restoration of the game, the most popular and working one at the time being

Screencap of Club Penguin during its closure on the iceberg tipping event Screencap of Club Penguin during Snow Cones event

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