About me!

Hi, I'm Alex(ander)! You may know me under the nickname (hof)narretje online. I am just a random 20-something guy living somewhere in Europe trying to grasp his life together.

I have been a part of the internet since around 2008-09 and have decided to live here since then. Nonetheless, I started webweaving just in 2021, because before that I thought HTML and CSS were too hard (they're not, learn these NOW!)

I usually do digital art. And yes, I'm gay, if that wasn't already obvious. :3

I can sort of communicate in English and Dutch - although I natively speak Polish. Also, I can read some kana. Try your luck in communication!

Despite being somewhat a furry, i despise how classist and ableist the community is. Y'all can do better...

I currently own a old Nintendo 3DS - modded of course. Things you may find interesting:
  • You can support my livelihood on Ko-fi if you like any of my stuff.
  • I love cats a lot. I have a tiny tabby beast.
  • I suck at Pokémon despite being into the series since forever.
  • My first game ever was Super Mario Sunshine.
  • My current art workstation consists of XP-Pen Artist 12 and a junk laptop.
  • I own way too many domains.
  • Very likely I do not live in the Netherlands.
Here's ways to contact me: